Cause I know there's sunshine behind that rain.
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The girl with an attitude. Laughter is how I live through my day. Friends and family are what I live for. Cross me and be ditched.


Thursday 14 July 2011 17:02

I've just made a fail, accidentally posting this original blog post into some old shared blog account of mine. Fuckery, now I'm redoing this. Ugh, forget it, let's go back to a happy start.
It's July! So my blog's deserted, which makes it a nice spot to write whatever shit I want, so it's a secret me and you who's reading this. Remember to, shut up.

I don't really have much memories of June so let me just say how July started. This year is awesome, I love my new class, even my new friends in other classes. It's been epic, old and new friends combined made Form 4 flying pass fast. My class 4 Cekal's the so called Horny Class, due to the pervy fellows; Dinamik's the Mean Class, the guys are real harsh; whereas the Amanah, first class ones are called the Nerd Class. Kinda true.
I love my friends, Azmina and I spazz all day long; Peiju and Elvina talk crack whole time; the jokers at the back are seriously nuts. Daebak (Y)

A lot has happened these days, friendships turn to bullshit back-stabbing and bitch will always be lifeless. Crap at your life, if you love to criticize someone, tell them at their face, don't be such a hypocrite, sheesh. I don't give a shit anymore, you like being this way, so be it. I don't need nor want you in my life, it's not like you're oxygen to me, I can find joy from others. Dare not to touch me, I bite back, hard.

Sorry for the cursing, I just can't take this, if the person reads this, hell yeah you better watch out. Anyway, I'd like to say I'm addicted to kpop, I stan it. Sometimes I wonder if I weren't into kpop, how would life be? Huh, I'd have more sleeping hours and study time. But who cares, I'm happy this way. I love the friends I've made because of this and the moments of joy we share, forever cherished. 
Oh and so you know, I didn't go for the BEAST's First Asia Fanmeet, yes, screw my life. I don't care, I'm gonna get my hands of Fiction and Fact Limited Version, I will. And for your info, well no one's reading anyway, Kikwang's new solo with Electroboyz! Effin awesome, I cried listening to it, although it's not a sad song, the lyrics kinda are and the music is beautiful.  I know, I'm just obsessed with Kikwang, teehee! You can't blame me, he's such a cute hottie, he laughs, you can't see his eyes, they're eye smile lines! And his sexyness is to the max, don't even let me start. Oh.

I better stop, if I start talking about BEAST I'll end up writing pages long. Pfft. Till here then, I have no idea when's gonna be my next update, I procrastinate a lot. So, bye!

Kikwang in Break Up's MV

It's June!

Wednesday 1 June 2011 16:44

Wassup bloggie, it's been so long since I've updated this place. Well none of my real life friends come in here and read anyway, so this place would just be where I type when I'm bored. Looks like my sbox has been spammed by weird people, or spambots? Who knows, not clicking you links, dangerous virus maybe.

So it's the mid year break, it's the first week, I've been to one outing so far. The outing was just yesterday, to celebrate Daphne, Jieren and Wenshin's birthday. Once again Pyramid's the venue, karaoke and movie's what we always do. There was 10 of us, but they didn't give us the biggest room we wanted, damn. And as always, Celo's Fuck You as the opening song. HAHA. It's was fun, but not the movie, Insidious was a wrong agreement from me, fuck!

Anyway, it's Wednesday today. I'm chickening out due to the images in my mind of the movie. GAHHH. I wanna cry! :( I really need something nice and soothing to cover my mind or I'll be in a weird crazy state for a LONG while. Till here then, orevua!

Kikwang Love ;)


Friday 15 April 2011 16:21

Okay I'm having tantrums these days, I think it came from my brother and dad's argument. This is a stupid thing. I wish everything would just go back to normal.

Back to Earth. So I'm collecting money for the carnival booth, this is frustrating, hoping to get all the money by Monday, the carnival's in 2 weeks! Some of them wanna make tees, self printed with paint or marker I guess; but I think we could just use the money to make tags, it's cheaper like that and we all can have one? Huh. Let's see how the votes on Monday go.

So I'll just end this today, watching Desperate Housewives right now. We had Star World and heck I knew nothing!? Damn. End :)



Friday 8 April 2011 17:54

Damn. I actually post. LOL. Hi, so that wasn't a good greeting. Sorry. Today, Friday! It's still a school day but since it was Mr Jega's retirement day, we had a farewell ceremony, which ate up the periods before recess. Hell yeah! The performances were great, well let's just say Nicholas was totally awesome. He sand and danced Britney Spears's Till The World Ends, and guess what? The video is now on hot magazine's site, letting everyone in the world/Malaysia(?) to vote for him! Gawd, if he hits big... I know you! Remember me Nicholas! LOL Desperate much, sorry.

So Azmina brought her dad's DSLR to school, it was supposed to be fun by taking pictures of butt spanking and all, but the funny gang skipped today. Boo-hoo. But the rest of us were epic, having fun like maniacs. We rule, seriously. Azmina's uploading them right now, and I feel a little bitter, I look fugly. But partly (not), it's for fun!

OHOH! Infinite's performing Nothing's Over right now! Damn it, L and SungGyu are perfect. I love you! Shamelessly. Haha. Btw, Brian Joo and Tony An's comebacks were awesome too! Dang, why are everyone so talented. Okay, I'm just biased. Who cares. LOL

Anyway, oh, Korean test tomorrow. Shit. I haven't even study a single thing. Pray HARD. Ugh. I gotta practice the piano later, hardcore. That's it for today, mini one. Bye!

Happy Birthday Jonghyun! :)


Friday 1 April 2011 19:00

Tweet + Blabber = Twatter

Okay so there's no such word as twatter but there's is the word 'twat', Didstun and Jieren taught me that today. Total LOL at what I'm learning from these boys in class. Jeremiah and Hongray asked me to watch a porn video because they say it's educational. I'm like whaa...? Ain't it weird for a girl to watch that? They strongly claim watching too much porn is bad but one or two is just for educational purpose. So yeah. Weird people but yet they can make my day.

Let's say today was a hectic day. Pn Memi finally came to school and discussed the whole carnival thing with the class, which practically got owned by us, talking and discussing among ourselves. So everything's settled, we just have to wait for the approval. But bad news, heard that there's 5 classes wanting to do the dunking machine game, which we out a lot of effort in. Shit. Pray that we'll succeed on getting it.

Anyway, april fools! No one actually care about it anymore, didn't have any prank jokes all day. Well, Pn Nurhayati did pranked Peiju today, how cute! Haha. Well, the afternoon was boring, up till Music Bank time that is. Ukiss's comeback was great, 0330 is nice! Gonna download it later tonight, if I get online. So that's it I guess. Gonna shower and continue Cecilia Ahern's novel. Peace out! 

ain't he gorgeous! 

The truth

Thursday 31 March 2011 18:36

Everyone who walks by smiles, but you don't know that they're hiding something. Secret. Pain. Happiness. Friends are what brings genuine smiles, in friendship, trust is the most important of all. But sometimes it can deceived, but the real thing is, you need to listen to their statement before you pin the dart on them. If you only judge them by just one story, not asking for an explanation, then you don't need to be in that friendship.

I don't blame you, but seriously, this isn't a big deal. Why can't you just forget it and chill. This is a dumb thing to hold on to. It's a no big deal to fight and hold a grudge on it. Telling everyone around you, bad talk us is what you can do. But I would stand my ground and tell you, you are wrong. You just want someone to turn to, thinking we stabbed you, making people be on your side. If they listened to our point of view, they'll know, you're immature to be like this.

I love you as a friend, but the way you're being now is just unbearable. You need to look at yourself, you're acting like a kid. This isn't the first time your tantrums run wild, every time you do this, it makes others feel irritated. So I wish, you can realize what you're being right now ain't right. I will still be your friend, just make a change.
