Cause I know there's sunshine behind that rain.
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The girl with an attitude. Laughter is how I live through my day. Friends and family are what I live for. Cross me and be ditched.

It's June!

Wednesday 1 June 2011 16:44

Wassup bloggie, it's been so long since I've updated this place. Well none of my real life friends come in here and read anyway, so this place would just be where I type when I'm bored. Looks like my sbox has been spammed by weird people, or spambots? Who knows, not clicking you links, dangerous virus maybe.

So it's the mid year break, it's the first week, I've been to one outing so far. The outing was just yesterday, to celebrate Daphne, Jieren and Wenshin's birthday. Once again Pyramid's the venue, karaoke and movie's what we always do. There was 10 of us, but they didn't give us the biggest room we wanted, damn. And as always, Celo's Fuck You as the opening song. HAHA. It's was fun, but not the movie, Insidious was a wrong agreement from me, fuck!

Anyway, it's Wednesday today. I'm chickening out due to the images in my mind of the movie. GAHHH. I wanna cry! :( I really need something nice and soothing to cover my mind or I'll be in a weird crazy state for a LONG while. Till here then, orevua!

Kikwang Love ;)