Cause I know there's sunshine behind that rain.
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The girl with an attitude. Laughter is how I live through my day. Friends and family are what I live for. Cross me and be ditched.


Thursday 14 July 2011 17:02

I've just made a fail, accidentally posting this original blog post into some old shared blog account of mine. Fuckery, now I'm redoing this. Ugh, forget it, let's go back to a happy start.
It's July! So my blog's deserted, which makes it a nice spot to write whatever shit I want, so it's a secret me and you who's reading this. Remember to, shut up.

I don't really have much memories of June so let me just say how July started. This year is awesome, I love my new class, even my new friends in other classes. It's been epic, old and new friends combined made Form 4 flying pass fast. My class 4 Cekal's the so called Horny Class, due to the pervy fellows; Dinamik's the Mean Class, the guys are real harsh; whereas the Amanah, first class ones are called the Nerd Class. Kinda true.
I love my friends, Azmina and I spazz all day long; Peiju and Elvina talk crack whole time; the jokers at the back are seriously nuts. Daebak (Y)

A lot has happened these days, friendships turn to bullshit back-stabbing and bitch will always be lifeless. Crap at your life, if you love to criticize someone, tell them at their face, don't be such a hypocrite, sheesh. I don't give a shit anymore, you like being this way, so be it. I don't need nor want you in my life, it's not like you're oxygen to me, I can find joy from others. Dare not to touch me, I bite back, hard.

Sorry for the cursing, I just can't take this, if the person reads this, hell yeah you better watch out. Anyway, I'd like to say I'm addicted to kpop, I stan it. Sometimes I wonder if I weren't into kpop, how would life be? Huh, I'd have more sleeping hours and study time. But who cares, I'm happy this way. I love the friends I've made because of this and the moments of joy we share, forever cherished. 
Oh and so you know, I didn't go for the BEAST's First Asia Fanmeet, yes, screw my life. I don't care, I'm gonna get my hands of Fiction and Fact Limited Version, I will. And for your info, well no one's reading anyway, Kikwang's new solo with Electroboyz! Effin awesome, I cried listening to it, although it's not a sad song, the lyrics kinda are and the music is beautiful.  I know, I'm just obsessed with Kikwang, teehee! You can't blame me, he's such a cute hottie, he laughs, you can't see his eyes, they're eye smile lines! And his sexyness is to the max, don't even let me start. Oh.

I better stop, if I start talking about BEAST I'll end up writing pages long. Pfft. Till here then, I have no idea when's gonna be my next update, I procrastinate a lot. So, bye!

Kikwang in Break Up's MV